Serve Christ in Your Community
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul leads men and women to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who need help. A global Catholic lay organization, members serve in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
Since 1925, members across Dane County, who are known as Vincentians, have witnessed God’s love by embracing all works of charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of goodwill in relieving needs and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served. Vincentians help neighbors in need by conducting home visits; by volunteering in the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry and Charitable Pharmacy; and by doing special charity projects in their parishes and neighborhoods. Conferences establish their own guidelines for assistance, allowing leeway to find creative solutions that fit the needs of their communities. Vincentians start each meeting with prayer and a spiritual reflection based on the teachings of our founders.
Dane County Conferences:
- Blessed Sacrament Parish: 2116 Hollister Avenue, Madison, WI 53726
- Cathedral Parish: Holy Redeemer Church, 120 W. Johnson Street, Madison WI 53703; St. Patrick Church, 404 E. Main Street, Madison, WI 53703
- Christ the King Catholic Church: 5306 Main Street, McFarland, WI 53558
- Conferencia Divina Misericordia (Divine Mercy Conference): Members of Divine Mercy Conference meet at Holy Redeemer Church, 120 W. Johnson Street, Madison WI 53703. Members make home visits to Spanish-speaking neighbors throughout Madison and surrounding communities.
- Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church & School: 5101 Schofield Street, Monona, WI 53706
- Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish: 401 S. Owen Drive, Madison, WI 53711
- Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary Church: 221 Columbus Street, Sun Prairie, WI 53590
- St. Albert the Great Roman Catholic Church: 2420 St. Albert the Great Drive, Sun Prairie, WI 53590
- St. Ann Catholic Parish: 323 North Van Buren, Stoughton, WI 53589
- St. Bernard Catholic Church: 2438 Atwood Avenue, Madison, WI 53704
- St. Bernard Catholic Church: 2015 Parmenter Street, Middleton, WI 53562
- St. Christopher Catholic Parish: 301 N. Main Street, Verona, WI 53593
- St. Dennis Parish: 505 Dempsey Road, Madison, WI 53714
- St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church & School: 2947 Thinnes Street, Cross Plains, WI 53528
- St. John the Baptist Church & St. Mary of the Lake Church — Waunakee and Westport: 209 South Street, Waunakee WI 53597; 5460 Mary Lake Road, Westport, WI 53597
- St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church: 5313 Flad Avenue, Madison, WI 53711
- St. Paul’s Catholic Student Center: 723 State Street, Madison, WI 53703
- St. Peter Catholic Church: 5001 N. Sherman Avenue, Madison, WI 53704
- St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Parish: 602 Everglade Drive, Madison, WI 53717
Become a Member
Want to grow in faith and friendship through service? Join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Contact Gayle Westfahl, Membership Director, at or 608-442-7200 x35.