When you shop at St. Vinny’s Thrift Stores, you help our neighbors in need! By simply choosing to “Round Up” your total at checkout, you’re contributing to programs that support local families each month.
Round Up is a simple concept. When you make a purchase at St. Vinny’s Thrift Stores, you have the option to round up your total to the nearest dollar. For example, if your total is $9.75, you can round up to $10.00, donating the extra 25 cents to support one of our charitable programs.
Each month, Round Up highlights a different service. This means that each month your spare change goes directly to a new cause, allowing you to help our neighbors in need in various ways throughout the year.
You are supporting:
When you Round Up at St. Vinny’s Thrift Stores, you’re not just making a purchase; you’re making a statement. You’re showing that you care about the well-being of our neighbors and are willing to contribute to building a better community. So next time you shop, consider “Round-ing Up” your total! Your small change will make a big impact.