A collection of articles, videos and stories from local news stations on the Society of St. Vincent de Paul — Madison.
The Cap Times: St. Vincent de Paul offers microloans to compete with payday lenders
City Cast Madison: (begin listening at 08:32) https://link.chtbl.com/2qx8AQiS?sid=madison.minutes
WPR: Madison nonprofit to offer payday lender alternative
608 Today: Coming soon to Madison: what not to miss in 2024
WISPolitics: Solar for Good, RENEW Wisconsin: Powers up Wisconsin nonprofits – provides $280,000 in grants
Madison.com: The changing face of Willy Street: St. Vincent de Paul to demolish 3 buildings by thrift store
Sun Prairie Star: St. Vinny’s to break ground on new facility March 13
Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce: St. Vincent de Paul — Madison announces the groundbreaking for its new building
Sun Prairie Star: St. Vinny’s breaks ground on new Madison thrift store
InBusiness: St. Vincent de Paul — Madison breaks ground on expanded thrift store
NBC15: St. Vincent de Paul of Madison breaks ground on store expansion project
Channel3000: (begin video at 08:30) News 3 Now at Five – March 13, 2023
The Catholic Herald: St. Vincent de Paul breaks ground on new renovations
The Cap Times: St. Vincent de Paul plans expansion on Willy Street
Real Estate in the 608: Behind the scenes of St. Vinnies
NBC15: Dane Co. non-profit gives wool sweaters a second life, donates funds to food pantries
Wisconsin State Journal: ReMitts spins wool into $750,000 to support Madison food pantries
Wisconsin State Journal: Coats and jackets fly off shelves at St. Vinny’s, the ‘best deal in town’
Madison on the Cheap: Shop the Dig & Save $1 Coat Sale on Nov. 2
NBC15: St. Vinny’s Dig & Save Outlet Store 26th annual $1 Coat Sale
Wisconsin State Journal: You can buy a coat for $1 at St. Vinny’s on Thursday
Isthmus: $1 Coat Sale
Channel3000: The ultimate guide to secondhand shopping in Madison
NBC15: Madison thrift store kicks of record event
The Cap Times: How to ‘buy nothing’ and join Madison’s sharing economy
The Badger Herald: Sustainable fashion options to fill your summer wardrobe
Madison365: Shop St. Vinny’s Thrift Stores to help your budget, help your planet and help you neighbors in need
WMSN Fox47: Get rid of bulky furniture with ease and help your community with St. Vincent de Paul
Stark: Score Vintage Finds At These Thrift Shops
Channel 27: Students’ leases end in downtown Madison, trash starts to pile up on curbs
NBC15: Thrift store shopping for back-to-school clothing on a budget
NBC15: Thrifting for back-to-school needs
La Movida: El Debate, Wednesday November 15th
Spectrum News: Charitable Pharmacy celebrates 10 years of serving patients in need
Sostento (begin watching at 45:29): Uber Rides for Health Equity
Channel3000: 12 Days of Giving — The Kight family
Madison South Rotary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO3UpwWKtog
In Business Magazine: 3 dozen local food pantries issue call to action over scarce resources
WisPolitics: Local food pantries issue call to action, “Dane County, we need your help.”
Spectrum News: ‘We are facing a serious challenge’: Over 3 dozen pantries come together in call for help
WKOW-27: Local food pantries call on Dane County community for support as demand increases
NBC15: Dane County food pantries pushing for more financial help
News 3 Now: Dane County food pantries ask for assistance
Wisconsin Public Radio: Many Dane County food pantries are spending more on food than ever before
Wisconsin State Journal: Madison-area food pantries struggle to meet rising demand
WORT 89.9: Dane County Food Pantries Issue Call To Action, Amidst Shortages And High Demand
Wisconsin Eye: News Conference: Dane County Food Pantry Leaders on Food Insecurity
WMSN Fox47: St. Vincent de Paul Madison – Personal Care Drive
WMSN Fox47: How you can help local families with our School’s Out Community Care Drive
Isthmus: School’s Out Community Care Drive
WKOW-27: Dane Co. food pantries struggle with 112% increase in demand
NBC15: Dane Co. food pantries seek community support as demand skyrockets
NBC15: Demand at Dane Co. food pantries jumps to 112% over last two years
The Cap Time: Dane County food pantries say demand surged to record highs
NBC15: Madison food pantries seeking volunteers ahead of busiest season
NBC15: Dane Co. non-profit gives wool sweaters a second life, donates funds to food pantries
Wisconsin State Journal: ReMitts spins wool into $750,000 to support Madison food pantries
Isthmus: Give Back Give Thanks
WMSN Fox47: Volunteer with St. Vincent de Paul Madison’s Food Pantry
Sun Prairie STAR: Sun Prairie restaurant partners on food drive
NBC15: Mad Kidney Fest emerges to highlight awareness, kidney-friendly menu options
Wisconsin State Journal: Already reeling from inflated food costs, families now face Foodshare cuts
Wisconsin Public Radio: Food pantries experiencing extremely high demand this holiday season
Madison.com: More demand, higher prices: Madison food pantries feel the pinch of inflation
PBS Wisconsin: Inflation hits Wisconsin food pantries and the families they support
Madison.com: ‘We haven’t hit the ceiling yet;’ Dane County food pantries worried about record demand
Madison365: Area food pantries report record demand, need donations
WKOW-27: Area food pantries report record demand, decreasing donations
The Catholic Herald: Record demand at Dane County food pantries
Sun Prairie Star: Increased demand stressing area food pantries, including Sun Prairie’s
The Badger Herald: Dane County food pantries see record demand
Madison Commons: Dane County food pantries facing more demand than ever before
WORT 89.9 Food pantries struggle to keep up with demand
NBC15: Increased food need exhibited by high demand at Dane County food pantries
InBusiness: Area food pantries report record demand
New 3 Now: Dane County food pantries see record high demand
Middleton Cross Plains Times-Tribune: Demand Up at Food Pantries Around the Area, Donations Needed
The Cap Times: St. Vincent food pantry in Madison sees record-high use
Channel3000: Society of St. Vincent de Paul holds winter blanket drive
WKOW-27: St. Vincent de Paul hosting annual Recycle the Warmth Blanket Drive
Sun Prairie Star: St. Vinny’s to host ‘Recycle the Warmth’ drive January 27-29
Catholic Review: At National Assembly, members of Society of St. Vincent de Paul urged to renew commitment to home visits
La Movida: El Debate, Wednesday November 15th
NBC 15: Madison food pantries seeking volunteers ahead of busiest season
WMSN Fox47: Volunteer with St. Vincent de Paul Madison’s Food Pantry
The Catholic Herald: St. Vincent de Paul honors dedicated volunteers
The Catholic Herald: Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Madison welcomes senior director of human resources